Sugar Mountain Resort

Grand Opening of Sugar Mountain Resort's Summit Express

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Photo: Roman Gric

Small ropeways with cantonal operating permits are typical of many Swiss farms and mountain communities and often their only means of transport. With…

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Photo: DONGHWAN KIM auf Pixabay

The National Ski Areas Association (NSAA) released preliminary skier visit numbers for the last season, reporting a total of 60.4 million. This season…

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Photo: J. NEJEZ

ENERGY SUPPLY At the 2023 Conference of Austrian Ropeway Operators in Innsbruck, an excellent presentation was given on the efforts being made by the…

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How XR, AR, VR and MR will change the travel experience of the future.

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Photo: Pixabay

“Ropeways – Smart Transport Solutions” is the motto of OITAF’s 12th International Congress for Transportation by Rope, which will be held in…

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Photo: Skistar

NEVEPLAST/SKISTAR In September 2022 the Swedish Skistar Group opened a 9,000 m² artificial ski slope on Hammarbybacken in the center of Stockholm…

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Kids’ clubs for visitors must develop a more masculine profile so as not to miss out on key visitor groups.

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Apprentice recruitment has long become part of the fight for resources. Many operators are racking their brains to find an answer to the question:…

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Photo: L. Fahrnberger

According to the findings of the Best Austrian Summer Cable Cars quality initiative, sustainability is a must when it comes to creating experience…

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Photo: Christoph Noesig / Bergbahnen Sölden

Jakob Falkner, Managing Director of Bergbahnen Sölden (A), on the subject of entrepreneurial responsibility in times of crisis, the potential for…

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Ideally, children should know about the links between tourism and the environment. Together with their parents, they can then make a contribution to…

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The visual fusion of steel and rock: The structural steel and façade engineering company Pichler Projects specializes in building engineering in the…

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Photo: Marjon Besteman-Horna

The 2020/2021 winter season was by far the most challenging in the history of alpine tourism since 1945. ISR has asked the managing directors of…

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Photo: Archive of C. Mantona

This year's online forum at the Digital China Talk held in March focused on whether and how alpine winter sports destinations can benefit from the…

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